Combat Arms CAHNAEU
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 How to show blood in Combat Arms EU o NA even if you are -18

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Mensajes : 23
Fecha de inscripción : 21/11/2009

How to show blood in Combat Arms EU o NA even if you are -18 Empty
MensajeTema: How to show blood in Combat Arms EU o NA even if you are -18   How to show blood in Combat Arms EU o NA even if you are -18 I_icon_minitimeSáb Nov 21, 2009 10:14 pm

Ok this is a very simple but useful tutorial.Lets start now:
1.Go to Nexon folder.Select Profiles and then open player.txt.
2.As you see the text there is encrypted.
3.Copy and Paste this text to your player.txt.

AntiAlias = 0
ScreenGamma = 1.155709f
ScreenWidth = 1024
ScreenHeight = 768
ScreenBitDepth = 32
HardwareCursor = FALSE
Gamma = 1.220000

InvertMouse = 0
MouseLook = 1
InputRate = 12
Sensitivity = 10
NormalTurn = 15
FastTurn = 22
LookUp = 25
VehicleTurnRate = 100
AutoCenter = 0
UseJoystick = 0
Axis0 = 2
Axis1 = 1
Axis2 = 0
Axis3 = 0
Axis4 = 0
Axis5 = 0
POV0 = 2
POV1 = 1
POV2 = 0
POV3 = 0

Dash = "##42@ @ "
NightVision = " @ @ "
RadioRequest = "##49@ @ "
RadioAnswer = "##47@ @ "
RadioReport = "##48@ @ "
TripleShotMode = "##33@ @ "
HelpScreen = "##59@ @ "
SensitivityInc = "##27@ @ "
SensitivityDec = "##26@ @ "
RunLock = " @ @ "
HelpToggle = "##35@ @ "
TeamChat = "##61@ @ "
BroadCastChat = "##60@ @ "
BuyWeapon = "##48@ @ "
IncRadarScale = "##74@ @ "
DecRadarScale = "##78@ @ "
TeamState = "##15@ @ "
Forward = "##17@ @ "
Backward = "##31@ @ "
StrafeLeft = "##30@ @ "
StrafeRight = "##32@ @ "
Left = "##203@ @ "
Right = "##205@ @ "
Strafe = " @ @ "
Speed = "##46@ @ "
Jump = "##57@ @ "
Duck = " @ @ "
TurnAround = " @ @ "
DuckLock = "##29@ @ "
Fire = " @##3@ "
Activate = "##18@ @ "
Reload = "##19@ @ "
LookUp = " @ @ "
LookDown = " @ @ "
ZoomIn = " @##4@ "
CenterView = " @ @ "
SendMessage = "##28@ @ "
PrimaryWeapon = "##2@ @ "
SecondaryWeapon = "##3@ @ "
MeleeWeapon = "##4@ @ "
MiscWeapon = "##5@ @ "
ObjectiveWeapon = "##7@ @ "
KickUser = "##63@ @ "
FullTacticalMap = "##50@ @ "
Choose_1 = "##2@ @ "
Choose_2 = "##3@ @ "
Choose_3 = "##4@ @ "
Choose_4 = "##5@ @ "
Choose_5 = "##6@ @ "
Choose_6 = "##7@ @ "
Choose_7 = "##8@ @ "
Choose_8 = "##9@ @ "
Choose_9 = "##10@ @ "
Choose_0 = "##11@ @ "
Prev_Weapon = "##16@ @ "
ClanChat= "##62@ @ "

DirectSound = 1
LightMap = 1
Gore = 1
SPRadar = TRUE
Reality = 1
CrosshairAlpha = 127
CrosshairRed = 31
CrosshairGreen = 255
CrosshairBlue = 255
CrosshairDynamic = 1
UseCrosshair = 1
CrosshairStyle = 0
Subtitles = 0
FadeBodies = 0
HUDLayout = 0
MessageDur = 10
HeadBob = 10
Difficulty = 1
AlwaysRun = 1
WeaponSway = 10
AutoWeaponSwitch = 1
LoadScreenTips = 1
VehicleContour = 1

defaultsoundmultiplier = 0.750000f
speechsoundmultiplier = 1.000000f
weaponssoundmultiplier = 1.000000f
MusicQuality = 1
sound16bit = 1
soundenable = TRUE
musicenable = TRUE
musicvolume = 100
soundvolume = 100

EnableSavingID = FALSE
SaveID = ""
Guid = "EF8CA6F9-7CF7-497E-9ED0-F0ABC4AAAA59"
Password = ""
PlayerName = ""
PlayerTeam = 1
SessionName = ""
PlayerModel = 0
MaxPlayers = 4
Port = 27888
UsePassword = FALSE
MPDifficulty = 1
SkillAllowance = 10000
FriendlyFire = FALSE
MPPlayerDiffFactor = 0.100000f
BandwidthClient = 3
BandwidthServer = 3
BandwidthServerCustom = 0
BandwidthClientCustom = 1500

Character = 0

Shader = 1
ModelLODOffset = 0
EnableBloom = 0
LightModels = 1
Polygrid = 1
PerformanceSetting = 3
MusicQuality = 1
DetailTextures = 1
FXDetail = 2
EnvironmentalDetail = 2
TrilinearFiltering = 0
PreCacheAssets = 1
DynamicLight = 1
AnisotropicFiltering = 1
EnvironmentMapping = 1
MusicActive = 1
PolyGridBumpmap = 1
SoundQuality = 1
ShellCasings = 1
DetailLevel = 2
TripleBuffering = 1
ShadowDetail = 0
Tracers = 1
EnvironmentBumpMapping = 1
PolyGridFresnel = 1

XLargeTex = 2
RegularTex = 1
LargeTex = 1

ShellCasings = 1
Tracers = 0
DynamicLights = 0
Shadows = 1

4.Save the file and then make it read-only so Nexon doesn't replace your bloody configuration if you are -18.
5.Have fun with some extra gore!
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How to show blood in Combat Arms EU o NA even if you are -18
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